Overseas Business


With operational technologies and long-time-experiences in scheduled services, container management and rail freight transport  since JNR period, JR Freight’s high efficiency and operational excellence had been highly evaluated as advanced expertise in the world.

JR Freight’s Overseas Business Department was established in January 2014. Together with government agencies such as JICA, we conducted surveys outside Japan as well as training in Japan aiming for overseas railway operators. While promoting technology and know-how support projects for railway operators, we are pursuing the possibility of conducting rail freight transport business outside Japan in collaboration with overseas operators.

Overseas survey

As an expert in rail freight transport and railroad vehicles, we participated in survey outside Japan conducted by Japanese government agencies such as JICA and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The purpose of the survey is to acquire the actual data on the local area to see the possibility of how Japan can assist in improvement of rail freight transport in that country and the total logistics.

So far, we have done a railway improvement survey in many countries by visiting the actual site such as Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries.

Welcome overseas partners to the training in Japan

We welcome overseas railway operators to participate in the training in Japan conducted by Japanese government agencies. In the training, we introduce our  technology and experience on various topics such as freight transport operation of JR freight, Rolling stocks maintenance, safety management, and our training courses for rail transport staff.

Specifically, we provide site inspections to our freight stations, maintenance facilities, training centers, and provide lectures on rail freight transport.


Survey for business implementation overseas

In recent years, many Japanese railway companies have been expanding their business outside Japan. For JR Freight, we are considering the implementation of overseas projects by utilizing the technology related to rail freight transport that we have cultivated over the years.

Bangkok Representative Office

In Thailand, since 2015, JR freight have been investigating the business opportunity of rail freight transport operations and maintenance, as well as providing support to Thai government agencies to improve rail freight transport services.

In September 2021, “Bangkok Representative Office” was established.We are considering starting business in Thailand and neighboring countries.