Material Procurement Information

TOPMaterial Procurement Information (in CORPORATE DATA)

Procurement Items

JR Freight procures materials, components, and supplies in the following categories:

  • Rails and other track material
  • Locomotive and Freight cars (and these parts)
  • Signal and communication systems
  • Electronic products
  • Metal Industrial Products
  • Fuel
  • Machinery and Work Goods
  • Miscellaneous

With regard to the most recent achievement data, please refer to the page in Japanese.

If you are interested in beginning bussiness transactions with us, please contact us by e-mail ( and provide us with the following information:

  1. Company name
  2. Address of head office
  3. Items you wish to supply
  4. Contact personnel (section, title, name, phone number, and e-mail address)

The information you provide will be used only for considering new transactions and handled in accordance with our privacy policy.