Corporate Overview

TOPCorporate Overview (in CORPORATE DATA)

Brand Message

Challenge and Change


  1. Utilize rail freight transport nationwide networks while efficiently managing resources among group company.
    We will actively introduce new technologies as well as logistics services that support the industry and livings.
  2. Continue to be the organization existing for society by creating new services that solves customers’ problems.
  3. Safety is our priority and the foundation of everything.

Our Actions

  1. Give top priority to safety
  2. Put compliances into practice
  3. Act from the customer’s perspective
  4. Responsible for our parts as well as cooperate
    well with
  5. Work hard and try new things
  6. Contribute to the sustainable development
    of the group
  7. Always have a dream

Corporate Overview

Company Name Japan Freight Railway Company
Establishment April 1, 1987
Head Office 5-33-8 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Capital 19,000,000,000 yen (380,000 stocks)
Stockholder Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology
Representative Shin Inukai, president
Number of employee 5,637 people (as of April 1, 2024)
  1. Rail freight services
  2. Warehousing
  3. Car park operation
  4. Advertising
  5. Indemnity and other non-life insurance agency services
  6. Vehicle services
  7. General civil engineering and construction desin, project execution and management
  8. Incidital and related business operations

Specification Management

as of April 1, 2024

Number of Lines 75
Operation Length (km) 7,805.5
Number of Stations 237
Number of Trains 399 / day
Train-kilometers about 186,000 km / day
Volume of Traffic
  • (Tonnage: thousands of ton / Ton-km: millions of ton-km)
Total Tonnage: 26,520(2023)
Total Ton-km: 17,500(2023)
Rolling stocks Locomotives Electric 403
Diesel 122
Electric Multipul Units 42
Wagons Container wagons 7,049
Other wagons 43
Wagons own by other company 1,593
Containers Own by JR 62,153
Own by other company 16,161
Loading Equipment Top Lifters 107
Forklifts 499

*For the year

Board members

As of 26th June, 2024
Director and Executive Officer Chairman Koichi SHINGAI
Director and Executive Officer President Shin INUKAI
Outside Director(part-time) Takao KASHITANI
Outside Director(part-time) Noriko YAGASAKI
Outside Director(part-time) Yoshimi NAKAJIMA

Director and Executive Officer

General Director of Management Headquarters

Taketsugu SHINOBE

Director and Executive Officer

General Director of Railway Business Headquarters

Kazuhisa KOGURE

Director and Executive Officer

General Director of Safety Management Headquarters


Director and Executive Officer

General Director of Business Development Headquarters

Koji DOI

Executive Officer

General Manager of Development Department,

Business Development Headquarters

Executive Officer
Director of Kansai Regional Office
Soichiro WAKE

Executive Officer

Director of Kanto Regional Office


Executive Officer

Deputy General Director of Railway Business Headquarters,

General Manager of Sales Marketing Management Department


Executive Officer

General Manager of Corporate Planning Department,

Management Headquarters

Hitoshi OKUDA

Executive Officer

Director of Tokai Regional Office

Yasuhito KOYAMA

Executive Officer

General Manager of Sales Department,

Railway Business Headquarters

Yasuhide MUGIYA

Executive Officer

Director of Kyushu Regional Office


Executive Officer

Director of Tohoku Regional Office


Executive Officer

Deputy General Director of Railway Business Headquarters,

General Manager of Transport Department


Organization chart

JR Freight data


Freight volume

Container freight volume
by types of item (FY2023)

Freight volume (excluding container)
by types of item (FY2023)

Operating route in Japan



1987 April Establishment of Japan Freight Railway Company (JR Freight)
September Commencement of `JRF Tourist`
October Transportation of 30ft container between Tokyo and Hokkaido
1988 January Development of the Koki Class 100 high - speed container wagon
March Opening of the Tsugaru Kaikyo Line (Seikan Tunnel)
April Opening of Honshi - Bisan Line (Seto Ohashi Bridge)
September Transportation of cool container between Tokyo and Hokkaido
October Commencement of Liner train services along the Sea of Japan from Sapporo to Fukuoka
1989 February Introduction of the new EF66 type DC electric locomotive
July Utilization of new information system for other wagons


1991 April Employment of the first high school graduate since the company was established
May Announcement of Corporate Philosophy
October Operation of "Carpack" containers for automobile transport between Kanto and Kyushu
1992 April Completion of F Plaza Sapporo (the first facility in the F Plaza series)
June Completion of F Plaza Tokyo Building B
July Commercial operation of the Class EF200 DC electric locomotive
November Completion of F Plaza Tokyo Building A
1993 February Completion of F Plaza Sumidagawa
March Commercial operation of the Class DF200 electric diesel locomotive
1994 January Utilization of the freight information network system (FRENS)
November Opening of the Central Training Center (drivers training facility)
1995 January The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Tokaido Line between Sumiyoshi Station and Rokkodo Station etc. from January 17 to March 31)
March Operation of Car rack system between Nagoya Freight Terminal Station and Niigata Freight Terminal Station
Commencement of records management service business specializing in document storage and management
July Opening of Nagoya Port commercial facility "Sea Train Land"
October Commercial transport of domestic wastes from Kajigaya Freight Terminal to Suehirocho Station
1996 October Utilization of the train position detecting system using communications satellite
1998 January Completion of Hotel Mets Tabata
March Completion of container transport capacity strengthening works (phase1) of the Tokaido Line
December Designation of the movable "Suehiro Bridge" at Yokkaichi Port as an important cultural asset
1999 May Completion of new head office building
June Completion of F Plaza Niiza
October Completion of F Plaza Tokyo Building D


2000 March Commencement of LNG(liquefied natural gas) rail transport between Nigata Freight Terminal and Kanazawa Freight Terminal
Completion of the EH500 AC/DC electric locomotive
Suspension of Muroran Line service between Oshamambe Station and Higashi-Muroran Station due to Mt. Usuzan volcanic activity (from March29 to June7)
April Introduction of automatic container wagon number and container number reading system
August Opening at Takamatsu Freight Terminal
December Completion of the project which allows freight trains to run on the Musashino Line and the Keiyo Line
2001 December Completion of the EF510 AC/DC electric locomotive
2002 March Opening of Kitakyushu Freight Terminal
2003 February Completion of l-Garden Air Tower and Garden Terrace
March Completion of the EH200 AC/DC electric locomotive
July Opening of F Plaza Tokyo Building F
December Opening of Kobe Freight Terminal
2004 March Commercial operation of the Class M250 special express container train "Super Rail Cargo"
Opening of Kagoshima Freight Terminal
2005 June Opening of the rolling stock technical training Institute
October Receipt of the "Blue Ribbon Award" (Super Rail Cargo)
Full operation of the "IT-FRENS & TRACE Systems"
2006 March Opening of Tosu Freight Terminal
Operation of the Super Green Shuttle train
July Completion of F Plaza Tokyo Building E
October Establishment of the company song
November Commercial operation of block trains to transport parts for Toyota Motor Corporation
2007 March Completion of the project strengthening rail freight transport capacity of the Sanyo Line
June Publication of "130 Years of Freight Railway History"
July Uniform renewal
Decision of "JR Freight Transport Quality Improvement Action Plan"
November Publication of "130 Years of Freight Railways in Photographs"
Completion of F Plaza Tokyo Building L
2008 March Opening of Kochi Off-Rail Station
Establishment of I-TEM Center
April Utilization of PRANETS (driving support system)
July Commencement of PCB wastes transport
2009 February Establishment of the "Safety Reform Committee"
Commendation of Yokkaichi Port's movable bridge "Suehiro Bridge" as a modern industrial heritage site
March Utilization of PRANETS system to provide train position to customers
November Opening of Commemoration of 50 Years of Rail Container Transport Departure Ceremony


2010 March Completion of the Class HD300 hybrid locomotive
April Utilization of new information system "Railway Web Service"
June Completion of "Ario Kitasuna" commercial facilities at the former site of Onagigawa Freight Station
2011 March Completion of the project strengthening rail freight transport capacity on the Kagoshima Line
Suspension of services due to the Great East Japan Earthouake (Tohoku Line between Sandal Freight Terminal and Morioka Freight Terminal from March11 to April20, etc.)
Implementation of emergency petroleum transport and disaster wastes transport to provide relief following the Great East Japan Earthquake
November Commencement of disaster waste transport to support the Great East Japan Earthquake
2012 August Commencement of transporting methanol together with petroleum transport trains from Kawasaki Freight Station to Kuragano Station.
October The first manufacture of general purpose 31ft wing containers
November Receipt of the "Laurel Award" (the Class HD 300 hybrid locomotive)
2013 March Opening of Suita Freight Terminal, and renewal and opening of Kudara Freight Terminal
Completion of the project strengthening rail freight transport capacity of the Sumidagawa Line
Operation of "Fukuyama Rail Express" between Tokyo Freight Terminal and Suita Freight Terminal.
2014 September Announcement of opening of 'F Plaza Tokyo Building M and Building N (Tokyo Rail Gate WEST/EAST)"
The first multi-tenant logistics facilities
October Suspension of Tokaido Line between Yuhi - Kozu due to landslide, and implementation of detour utilizing Chuo line and substitute transport, etc., for 10days
December Occasional operation of charter train of "AEON Railway Transport Research Association" between Tokyo Freight Terminal Station and Kudara Freight Terminal
2015 March Operation of the second "Fukuyama Rail Express" between Tokyo Freight terminal and Higashi-Fukuyama station.
September Undertaking of an operation and maintenance project for national freight railways in India
2016 March Commencement of shared service with Hokkaido Shinkansen on the Kaikyo Line
April Operation of emergency freight trains to transport relief supplies in areas damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
2017 May Operation of the third "Fukuyama Rall Express" between Nagoya Freight Terminal and Fukuoka Freight Terminal.
2018 May Operation of the "Kangaroo Liner SS60" between Suita Freight Terminal and Sendai Port Station.
July Suspension of the Sanyo Line due to natural disasters such as the "July 2018 heavy rain, and implementation of detour utilizing the Hakubi Line, Sanin Line, and Yamaguchi Line and substitute transport for 100 days
September Implementation of transport relief supplies for areas damaged by the Hokkaido Iburi Eastern Earthquake
2019 April Implementation of JR Freight Group‘s new philosophy and principles
Revision of personnel system
Implementation of new uniforms
October Suspension of the Tohoku Line due to Typhoon Hagibis, and implementation of detour and substitute transport for over 2 weeks
November Reopening of Yokohama Hazawa Station equipped with E&S
December Implementation of disaster wastes transport caused by Typhoon Hagibis


2020 February Completion of "Tokyo Rail Gate WEST" inside Tokyo Freight Terminal Station
March Relocation and reopening of Matsuyama Freight Station
Introduction of remote monitoring service to locomotives (EH800)
July Opening of “Tsumikae (vanning/devanning) station" inside Niiza Freight Terminal Station
Suspension of the Hisatsu Orange Railway Line due to heavy rain, and implementation of substitute transport for 121 days
2021 March Operation of the fourth "Fukuyama Rail Express“ between Ajigawaguchi Station and Morioka Freight Terminal Station.
Operation of "Kangaroo Liner NF64- “ between Nagoya Freight Terminal Station and Fukuoka Freight Terminal Station.
August Suspension of the Chuo Line and Sanyo Line due to heavy rain in western Japan, and implementation of substitute transport for more than 3 weeks
September Establishment of Bangkok Representative Office
Establishment of a joint venture for the plant factory business “Yamamura JR Freight Kira Vege Station”
November Utilization of next-generation bio fuel on truck
Operation of "Kangaroo Liner TF60" between Tokyo Freight Terminal Station and Higashi-Fukuyama Station.
2022 March Issue of first publicly offered corporate bond "Green Bond“
Operation of "Forwarders Block Train" between Koshigaya Freight Terminal Station and Himeji Freight Station.
May Completion of "DPL Sapporo Rail Gate" inside Sapporo Freight Terminal Station
July Completion of "Tokyo Rail Gate EAST" inside Tokyo Freight Terminal Station
August Suspension of the Ouu Line and other lines due to heavy rain the Tohoku region, and implementation of substitute transport for 65 days
2023 March Opening of “Tsumikae Station“ inside Gifu Freight Terminal Station and Koriyama Freight Terminal Station
Completion of plant factory of Yamamura JR Freight Kira Vegetable Station Co., Ltd.
June Introduction of T-DAP (application for truck drivers)
Signing MOU with GML in Thailand regarding intermodal transport of dangerous goods
Commencement of rental pallet service "Ekipare"
September Announcement that JR Freight Group held a forestation campaign
November Operation of the "Zennoh" freight train for transporting rice
2024 April Revision of base freight rate